make social equity a habit with self-care & joy
everyday activism
In case you haven’t seen social media or the news or been connected to the internet for the last week, I’m posting the videos of The Slap as seen in America and other countries. I debated on whether t...
It’s common knowledge for Black folks and other people of color that we have to be twice as good to get half as much. And if you’re a woman, misogynoir means you have to be more than twice as good. Co...
Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the “Creating a Respectful and Open World for Natural Hair” or CROWN Act, 235-189. Seventeen Republicans joined Democrats to agree that it should be...
At some point in our lives, we've all felt guilty. Guilt is that uncomfortable emotion that arises when we think we've done something wrong. For some people, guilt is a constant companion that gets in...
No blame, no shame, no guilt. That philosophy can ease the burden of talking about hard things like racism. Those emotions get in the way of listening, learning, healing, making peace, and changing. T...

Getting grounded - settling into your body and being present in the moment - is a great way to go into the weekend. Join me to breathe deeply and connect with your body. Finish feeling relaxed and ref...
I’m interrupting my series on blame, shame, and guilt to talk about racism in the media. Since Russia has invaded Ukraine, racism from the news media has been on display and people on social media hav...
My teaching motto is no blame, no shame, no guilt. Those words at the beginning of my workshops often bring relief to my students. They cry or tell me they didn’t realize they were feeling defensive o...
Do you know how to rest? I mean do you know how to take a break to maintain your physical strength and mental perspective, to bring yourself into balance before you burn out? If you don’t, you can lea...
What does it mean to undo the work? How do we undo what we’ve learned (and lived) about race, privilege, and equality? Undoing the work is both the overall theme of antiracism and one step in the proc...
When it comes to talking about race and racism (just like any important topic), people believe the myths and lies they grew up with, filling in the spaces left blank by an education system that prefer...
As I mentioned in my first post, self-care (caring for yourself in all your various life roles with compassionate action and attitude) is the first step to creating change and making new habits stick....