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Interview with Visual Advocate Laura Matteson

September 2022

I'm honored to be added to illustrative's library of experts! My interview is featured in the September 2022 zine. We chat about the fear of talking about racism and oppression, the power of incremental steps, and the enormous influence of parents and small business owners. What really resonated with Laura was when I said, "When equity is a value that you live, you bring social justice into every space you occupy." It really is about embodying your values and making them a habit. Read the interview here.

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Making Equity a Habit - Social Wellness on the Women Connected in Wisdom Podcast

June 15, 2022

If we can reframe the way we think about human rights and equality - making equity a habit instead of a goal - then we'll make small gains every day in the spaces where we are. That's so much more powerful than working on a seemingly unreachable goal whenever we feel like we have the time and energy.

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Collect Our Cousins with Karen Fleshman

May 26, 2022

We talk about what holds white people back from taking action against racism, how to be effective at engaging white people to take action against racism, and the four pillars that sustain the work of social justice.


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Transforming Racism with Self-care - BEing You Podcast

March 8, 2022

My conversation with my brother Ade Anifowose pulls no punches! We are talking for real for real.

Racism is a system of oppression that harms everyone, but we can fight it with self-care. Racism is exhausting, taking care of yourself is one way to resist its effects. We can't change the world until we change ourselves.

Tune in and join the conversation @BEingYouPodcast Facebook Page or Listen and be transformed.

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March 7, 2022

Too many of us compartmentalize our spiritual self from our physical self, our political self from our family self, but we're everything at once. Getting in the habit of seeing your whole self helps you to be in alignment. Want to practice? Join us for Let's ReImagine's series Reimagine Grief, Growth, and Justice. We're getting in our bodies and processing our collective grief Thursday, March 10 at 7PM ET. This is the first in a 4-part series with me and Christine. All are welcome.

Register here:

Check out the full calendar here:


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Making Yourself a Priority

March 1, 2022

Join me for a fun and relaxing conversation with the host of the Do You Remember You self-care conference LaTanya Rawles! And my friends, colleagues, and fellow presenters Christine Gautreaux and Ade Anifowose talk about how self-care and connection to our past can ease how we live today.

The conference is going on through March 16. Get your free ticket here: 

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Straight Outta Savannah, Talkin with Tammi

June 30, 2021

This is an interview you don't want to miss. Sacil Armstrong is a powerhouse. She brings forth antiracism in a way that anyone can learn. The way she packages antiracism, equity and self care is nothing less than brilliant. Here is a little about her:Sacil Armstrong teaches equity and antiracism with self-care and joy! Any discussion around oppression and creating equity can be challenging, but she doesn't believe we have to approach it with dread and defensiveness. Her class motto is no blame, no shame, no guilt because she's not blaming anyone for the actions of their ancestors, shaming anyone for the color of their skin, or guilting anyone for past behavior. We are responsible to learn from the past and do better going forward.

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The Emotional Work
of Social Justice

October 19, 2020

You may remember Kellie Walsh from the Spiritual Shadow Boxing podcast where I was a guest a few weeks ago. We had an intense discussion about #DefundThePolice. Kellie was focused on using inclusive language so as not to turn potential allies away. I was focused on the right of oppressed people to protest however they choose without considering the feelings of people who benefit from their oppression.

She openly talks about what she felt, how she processed it, what she learned about herself, and how she will approach social justice moving forward. I admire her bravery for going through the process and especially for talking about it publicly.

Toxic Masculinity

October 8, 2020

In Toxic Masculinity Part 2, we welcome two women to share their perspectives on toxic masculinity across color lines. Sacil Armstrong, an equity coach and social justice facilitator, discusses double standards, abuse, how gender roles confine people, examples of toxic masculinity in daily life, boys playing with dolls, and more. Sandy, an educator from Philadelphia, reflects on her definition of toxic masculinity, the cycle perpetuated by our society and the media, harmful expectations, and more. Also, we talk about encouraging our sons to express their emotions, holding other men accountable, and Cobra Kai.

Click the image or title to listen to the podcast.

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Spiritual Shadow Boxing:
Why "Defund the Police" is the Right Slogan

September 30, 2020

On this tenth episode of the series, "Spiritual Shadow Boxing", Kellie Walsh, Fereshta Ramsey, and Kelly Campbell are joined by Sacil Armstrong—an Equity Coach and Social Justice Facilitator. We talk about the importance of community and being able to hear one another in the context of antiracism. We dive into what defunding the police actually means and the need to rebuild a new system, rooted in the service of all people.

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Conversations with Nicole

September 9, 2020

I'm talking with Nicole Everett about antiracism and how important it is to take care of yourself as you fight for equity. Join us for a guided meditation as well.


Racism, not Race, is a Health Risk

August 29, 2020

I joined Shimila Keenum, Executive Director of Grounded Path, as a guest speaker during her recent online Acudetox training. My talk centered on how the health outcomes of Black and brown communities are not caused by our race, but rather by the systemic racism we face every day.

Acudetox, also known as the NADA protocol, is an evidence-based ear acupuncture treatment for addictions, behavioral health, trauma and disaster relief. NADA stands for the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association, a non-profit organization that oversees training and advocacy of Acudetox. The protocol is a simple yet powerful treatment placing 5 sterile needles in the ears in specific points in each ear. The treatment is non-verbal, non-threatening and often brings immediate calm.

The Young Lords, a Puerto Rican activist group, and the Black Panthers, a Black activist group, joined together to create the United Bronx Drug Fighters in the early 1970s and demand a detox center at the local hospital, Lincoln Hospital. By 1973 Lincoln Recovery was established and successfully treating patients. The movement faced serious opposition that cost the life of a doctor, but the center and the practice survived.

NADA has trained more than 25,000 clinicians in North America and worldwide.

Benefits of NADA
Reduced cravings for alcohol and drugs, including nicotine
Minimized withdrawal symptoms
Increased calmness, better sleep, and less agitation
Relief from stress and emotional trauma
An easier connection with counseling
A discovery of inner quiet and strength

If you are a counselor, mental health worker, disaster relief or trauma support staff, first responder, correctional officer, doctor, or nurse, check here for future training opportunities.

Can We Discuss Racism Without Blame, Shame, and Guilt?

July 15, 2020

Join me and Dr. Angie Anderson of Serenity Counseling Center & Wellness as we discuss how to overcome emotional and psychological blocks to learning about antiracism, and what it might look like to talk about the facts without the blame, shame, and guilt that often accompanies discussion about America's history of racism.

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Racy Conversations
Self Care in a Time of Chaos

May 21, 2020

Self-care is imperative in the midst of the grief and stress caused by coronavirus, white supremacy, and economic anxiety. Yet we may feel guilty about prioritizing ourselves when others are suffering so much. How can we set boundaries, practice self care and social isolation, and support each other and our communities to heal?

Karen Fleshman, Esq. She/Her is the founder of Racy Conversations, with the mission of inspiring the antiracist generation. She is the author of White Women We Need to Talk: Doing Our Part to End Racism, to be published by Sounds True in 2021. Reddit dubbed her “common_sense_Karen”.

9 Things You May Not Realize Come Off As Rude, According to Experts

June 13, 2019

"Building empathy, in general, is a massive win in any personal or professional situation," Jen Oleniczak Brown, an author and educator who specializes in building social skills, tells Bustle. It can not only help you better understand others and connect in a meaningful way, but it can make them understand you, too. Click here to read more, including my input.

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A  Conversation - About Race and Feminism with Karen Fleshman

September 20, 2019

Join us for a laid back, honest discussion about race, feminism, and what people in general, and women in particular, can do to overcome what’s holding us back as a group.

Karen Fleshman, Esq. is an attorney, activist, single soccer mom, and a nationally recognized expert on racism, feminism, workplace fair practices, police brutality, and politics. Working at Year Up, a nonprofit that prepares young adults without a college degree for corporate careers in tech, Karen came to understand the harm caused by tokenized hiring and the racism and sexism pervasive in the workplace. In 2014, Karen founded Racy Conversations, a workshop facilitation company, to help people feel more willing and able to communicate honestly with each other about racism, and to do so with increased empathy and understanding.

Wild Goose Festival

In 2018, I was a presenter at the Wild Goose Festival in Hot Springs, NC, a transformational community grounded in faith-inspired social justice. I taught 2 sessions of abstract art as meditation, one for adults and another for teens.

Self-care is crucial when you are fighting for equity and social justice. Somebody always needs help. There's always another battle to confront. But we can pour from an empty cup, so I teach people how to pause and replenish themselves so they can stay in the movement for the long haul instead of burning and crashing.

The festival was amazing, and I highly recommend it to meet people committed to the movement and feel connected. I was a total fan girl when I ran into John Pavlovitz walking on the trail!