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Women Connected in Wisdom

self-care Sep 27, 2022
Women Connected in Wisdom, stories rooted in the 8 dimensions of wellness. Available today on Amazon!

I'm publishing a day early this week because I'm celebrating! My book launches today! You can get your copy on Amazon today and tomorrow for just $0.99 at this link!

I’ve written about the eight dimensions of wellness before. And if you’ve read anything I’ve written, you know my passion is social wellness because I’m always talking about equity and social justice. I’ve teamed up with 17 other women to share our passion and expertise.

Women Connected in Wisdom: stories and resources rooted in the 8 dimensions of wellness is a weaving together of stories, experiences, and resources from a diverse group of women with a depth of knowledge. This volume is a celebration of our different life experiences, racial backgrounds, and generations of wisdom. What we have in common is a shared desire for an equitable and thriving community of collaboration versus competition. This book was born out of the Women Connected in Wisdom Podcast co-hosted by Shannon Mitchell and Christine Gautreaux. It’s a podcast rooted in the eight dimensions of wellness where we get together every week to talk about how to be well in business and life. How do we take care of ourselves and our communities in the midst of this chaotic world? How do we stand up for justice, equality, and love while juggling our health, households, and life?

All of my co-authors shared unique bite-sized personal stories that lead to our passions and superpowers, along with resources for readers to continue the journey.


Discover Your Inner Ally and Soothe Your Soul - Dr. Cynthia Phelps

Embrace All of Who You Are – Tracy W. Reese

Womb Creations: Journey to Loving Mother-Daughter Dialogues – Carolyn Renée Morris

Environmental Wellness

The Mermaid’s Garden: A Story of the Pursuit of Environmental Wellness – Dr. Melissa Bird

You + Your Home: How to Up-Level This Vital Relationship – Melody LeBaron

Financial Wellness

A Holistic Approach to Financial Wellness – Christine Gautreaux

Financial Wellness in the Nonprofit Sector –Felecia Frayall

Intellectual Wellness
Digit Dvah – Verna Darnel

Create a Life You’d Fight for – Shannon Ivey

Occupational Wellness

Welcome to a Place of Wellness – Chartisia Griffin

New Research-Backed Technology Provides Help for the Entrepreneurial Woman – Laurel Anne Stark

Physical Wellness

The Physicality of Grief: A Dancer’s Reflections on the Art of Grieving – Dr. Sheila K. Collins

Glo from Head to Toe – Shannon Mitchell Yes,

You DO Know – SatiMa Ra

Social Wellness

Make Equity a Habit – Sacil Armstrong

Miami Beaches and Georgia Peaches – Courtney “Coe” Dorsey

Spiritual Wellness

Activate Your Superpower! – JoVantreis Tolliver Russell

Be Still and KNOW – Shamika D. Wallace

You can get your copy on Amazon today and tomorrow for just $0.99 at this link!

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