InterPlay Unlocks the Wisdom of the Body
May 03, 2023
InterPlay is an active, creative way to unlock the wisdom of the body. It’s both a practice and an international nonprofit organization. I have joined the staff as their Racial Equity and Transformation (RET) Coordinator.
You know how I’m always encouraging people to breathe deeply, move, and get in their bodies before they do anything else? I focus on it so much that it’s the first pillar in my 4-step process for making social equity a habit and having complex conversations. Well, InterPlay takes it further. They dive deep into body wisdom, defining several specific practices to help participants get grounded and connect with others through movement, sound, and stories.
Here are some things I like about InterPlay:
- Showing up to play and have fun is enough. There’s no need to search for insights or work towards growth. Just let yourself be.
- You can choose ease. Do things in the least stressful way.
- Move, make sounds, and tell stories in the way that works for you. Can’t walk? Stay seated. Hurts to swing your arm? Move from the elbow.
- Look for the good with a playful attitude.
- Hold things lightly. There’s enough seriousness in the world. How can we hold some things in a way that’s less stressful?
- Community & connection. Dancing and moving together. Listening to what others are thinking about and grateful for is calming and a good reminder that there are some things right in the world.
For those of us not used to connecting with our bodies, simple exercises like doing a one-hand dance and experimenting with fast and slow, smooth and jerky movements can feel strange and expansive. And learning to tell stories with our whole bodies can be so much more freeing than just speaking words.
InterPlay recognized the need to be more inclusive and, based on feedback from members, created a Racial Equity and Transformation Committee in 2017. They’ve since integrated racial justice training, created by some talented social justice workers from around the world, into their leadership certification program. I’m honored to coordinate as InterPlay works to embed social equity in all aspects of the organization.
If you’d like to learn more, check out the site. If you’re willing to support the work, InterPlay’s annual fundraiser has begun, and the Racial Equity and Transformation Team is raising funds for projects rooted in body wisdom, racial justice, and transformational community healing. Funding also covers scholarships so more people can participate.
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