Adjusting With the Seasons
Oct 05, 2022
With the weather shifting to fall, I'm inviting you to reevaluate your self-care routine. As the seasons ease from one to another, our needs also shift. We need sunlight year-round, and it's easy to wait until 7:00 PM to take a walk during the summer. But this time of year, if you wait till then, you’ll get the exercise, but you won’t get the benefit of sunlight.
What do you need to adjust to maintain your comfort and energy?
- Do you need to change your routine, maybe do some things in the morning instead of at night to take advantage of the sunlight?
- Do you need to switch up your preferred drink - maybe start drinking hot tea instead of iced coffee? (I've got a thing for loose leaf Rooibos tea right now. Yum!)
- Do you need to give yourself the grace to take longer to get up when the cold weather makes it hard to move your bones?
Maybe you need to modify your expectations for how you function. I know people who go to bed hours earlier in the wintertime. They just sleep more. That means changing ideas on how much they reasonably can do in a day. Do you give yourself that option or do you beat yourself up for not maintaining the same level of activity as you do in the summer?
Instead of feeling these things intuitively and then fighting them with arbitrary rules and social norms, why not intentionally think about how you've functioned in past winters. And then create some new habits that nurture and comfort you through the season?
Sending fierce love!
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